Why do we not like our own voice and what to do about it?

Everyone is familiar with the situation that when you listen to a video or audio recording where your voice is heard, it seems disgusting and does not please your ears. In this article, we will analyze what causes this, as well as understand how to make your voice more attractive.


How to teach a child to sing?

As it is known, every person has various talents, usually there are several of them. The task of parents is to reveal the gifts that the baby is endowed with and do everything for their development. After all, children's love for singing wakes up early.

Scientists have proven that already in the mother's womb, the baby responds to music and singing with bright positive emotions. During this period, singing and music contribute to the development of the child's musical ear, help form nerve cells. Therefore, it is useful for a pregnant woman to sing or listen to favorite songs, literally from the first days instilling in the baby a love for beautiful music and songs.


About studio microphones

A studio microphone is designed for sound recording in a space isolated from external noise. It is usually used in vocal studios to produce live music and high-quality songs. Additional equipment built into such a device increases its functionality.


How to maintain a healthy voice?

Freedom of expression is a distinguishing feature of our time. But to be able to speak, you need a good and healthy voice. Excessive use of the vocal cords can cause discomfort and health problems. How can you improve your voice? What symptoms should not be underestimated? Answers to these and other questions are listed below.


How to improve your musical ear at home?

Hearing is one of the most important senses that we have. A good sense of hearing allows us to appreciate music, understand speech and communicate effectively with others. Unfortunately, not everyone has perfect hearing. Some people may have a hearing impairment, while others may have difficulty distinguishing between different sounds.


How to improve your speaking style

Communication style means a lot for a person. People with a beautiful and clean speech have many friends, it's easy for them to make new acquaintances, and they can simply navigate in everyday life, like finding a job, etc. If you have noticed that strangers are not particularly eager to communicate with you, despite the fact that you are smart enough, it may be due to either an untidy appearance or "sloppy" speech. Analyze yourself: maybe you use a lot of non-"literary" words? Or do you give the impression of a boring person? While the first problem with your speech can be easily solved, the second problem can be eliminated with several exercises listed below.


Nasal voice: causes and remedies

A nasal voice can be frustrating for both the speaker and the listener. It can be caused by a number of factors and can be remedied with proper technique and practice. In this article, we will explore the causes and remedies for a nasal voice.


Male and female vocal types

Types of Male and Female Voices

Vocal range and timbre are two of the essential characteristics that make each voice unique. Whether it's a deep, husky male voice or a high-pitched female voice, each voice type has its own charm and appeal. In this article, we'll take a look at the different types of male and female voices and some of the popular artists that represent each voice type.


Posture and breath control for better singing

Singing is a physical activity that requires proper posture and breath control to achieve the best sound. Singing on the breath, or singing on the support, means controlling the flow of air and maintaining consistent breath pressure while singing. This technique not only enhances the tone of your voice, but also improves your breathing and overall singing performance.


How to improve voice and speech

Listening to some people is a pleasure, even if they are simply introducing their acquaintances, making a toast at a wedding, or suggesting a meeting place. You want them to continue pleasing your ears with their pleasant voice.

Such vocal ability may seem like a gift of nature, but in practice, it is a skill that can be learned by being patient and persistent. Becoming better at this requires time, so do not expect a quick and perfect result at the same time. In this article, we present a plan to improve the tone and delivery of your voice, which will undoubtedly affect the desire of others to listen to you.
