How to learn to sing melismas

Melismas are a series of notes sung on a single syllable. They are used to embellish vocal performances, and can be found in many musical genres, including classical music, gospel, pop, and R&B. Singing melismas requires skill and technique, and there are a few things you can do to improve your ability to execute them properly.

Listen to Melisma Masters

One of the best ways to learn how to sing melismas is to listen to artists who are known for their melismatic singing style. Take Whitney Houston, for example. Her rendition of "I Will Always Love You" is a masterclass in melismatic singing. Listen to her performance, and pay attention to the way she uses her voice to create runs and trills. You can also listen to other melisma masters like Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, and Christina Aguilera to get a sense of different styles and techniques.

Practice Scales

To sing melismas, you need to have good control over your voice. One way to improve your control is to practice scales. Scales are a series of notes that ascend or descend in pitch, and they are the foundation of many vocal exercises. Practice scales slowly and evenly at first, and then gradually increase the speed as you get more comfortable. This will help you develop the muscle memory necessary to execute melismatic runs and trills accurately.

Experiment with Different Vowels

Different vowels can affect the way you sing melismas. For example, singing a melisma on an "ah" vowel can create a different sound than singing it on an "ee" vowel. Experiment with different vowels to see which ones work best for you. This can help you find the sweet spot in your vocal range where melismas sound best, and also help you create unique sounds that set you apart as a vocalist.

Use Your Breath Properly

Breath control is crucial for singing melismas. You need to have enough breath to sustain long runs and trills. Practice breathing exercises to improve your lung capacity and control. Make sure you take deep breaths from your diaphragm, rather than shallow breaths from your chest. This will give you the power and control you need to sustain melismatic phrases without running out of breath.

Don't Overdo It

Melismatic singing can be impressive, but it's important not to overdo it. Remember that melismas should serve the song, rather than the other way around. Don't sacrifice the emotion or meaning of the lyrics for the sake of showing off your vocal abilities. Use melismas to enhance the emotion and meaning of the song, rather than detracting from it.


Learning to sing melismas takes time and practice, but it is a skill that can be mastered with dedication and perseverance. By listening to melisma masters, practicing scales, experimenting with different vowels, using proper breath control, and using melismas judiciously, you can become a master of melismatic singing. Remember to stay focused on the song, and let the melismas serve the music, rather than the other way around. With time and dedication, you can take your vocal performances to the next level with melismatic singing.