How to maintain a healthy voice?
Freedom of expression is a distinguishing feature of our time. But to be able to speak, you need a good and healthy voice. Excessive use of the vocal cords can cause discomfort and health problems. How can you improve your voice? What symptoms should not be underestimated? Answers to these and other questions are listed below.
Professional voice overload
Teacher or lecturer is the main profession where you have to strain your vocal organs. Nowadays, employees of call centers, sales representatives, instructors, and customer service workers have been added to the list. One cannot forget about the art industry, as singers and actors almost make a living with their speech apparatus. Media representatives, radio and TV presenters, bloggers, and podcasters are also at risk. This is added to the huge number of people with chronic respiratory diseases.
How to avoid vocal overload?
If the loss of voice is threatened, prevention is the key to success. When you experience discomfort, dryness, and pain in your throat, use herbal infusions. Infusions of sage, chamomile, or thyme have bactericidal action and help fight sudden pain and hoarseness. In some cases, an ENT consultation and medical assistance are required. For those addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, throat problems are part of everyday life. Strong coffee or over-brewed tea also ruin the voice.
An impressive voice is formed in a clean house and a well-groomed workplace. Excess dust in the air worsens speech abilities. In the summer, try to avoid air conditioning units - sharp temperature and humidity changes damage the upper respiratory tract, destroy the mucous membrane, and protective layer of the throat. Try to breathe through your nose - this way, you will not overdry your vocal organs.
What symptoms should you pay attention to?
- Increased hoarseness after talking;
- Breathing problems;
- A sensation of a lump in the throat;
- Uneven intonation;
- Aphonia.
All of the above indicate the following conditions:
- Vocal nodules;
- Paralysis of adductor muscles and vocal cords;
- Secondary hypertrophy of the vocal cords;
- Laryngitis;
- Tumor.
To check your suspicions and make a diagnosis, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Do not self-medicate.
How can you ensure a good voice?
Prevention should be individual and tailored to personal needs. If your vocal apparatus depends on your profession, it is important to consult an otolaryngologist. This consultation is particularly valuable for those who perform on stage and interact with an audience. The specialist will advise you on how to modulate and convey your voice. When it comes to vocal performances, it is also important to breathe correctly, using the diaphragm.
So, to summarize, the main keys to a healthy voice are:
- The most important thing is correct voice placement;
- Minimal or no overloads;
- Regular rest and quality sleep;
- Observance of hygiene and diet before performances.
As you can see, keeping your voice healthy is not that difficult, you just need to follow the recommendations listed above. Health to you and your voice!