How to teach a child to sing?
As it is known, every person has various talents, usually there are several of them. The task of parents is to reveal the gifts that the baby is endowed with and do everything for their development. After all, children's love for singing wakes up early.
Scientists have proven that already in the mother's womb, the baby responds to music and singing with bright positive emotions. During this period, singing and music contribute to the development of the child's musical ear, help form nerve cells. Therefore, it is useful for a pregnant woman to sing or listen to favorite songs, literally from the first days instilling in the baby a love for beautiful music and songs.
For example, you can play musical recordings or songs performed by professional singers. Also, it is very interesting for a baby to listen to the singing of relatives, especially pleasant is the mother's voice - for the child, the timbre of your voice is the most native and beautiful. But the baby can also enjoy the singing of a grandmother, father or grandfather, older sisters and brothers. Isn't this where the folk tradition of singing lullabies to a baby comes from?
Growing up, the baby becomes more and more interested in music and singing, and if he is also gifted with musical abilities, he will definitely respond to beautiful music, rhythmically moving to the beat and singing along. It's time to start developing the child's musical abilities - hearing, rhythm, and the beauty of the voice.
Singing lessons are also useful for the general development of the baby:
- singing helps develop the articulatory apparatus of the child - when the baby sings, he tries to sing beautifully and strives to articulate the words of the song clearly
- songs, including children's songs, are rich in new, unfamiliar words for the baby, and this helps to develop vocabulary, especially if an adult explains the meaning of a new word, shows corresponding objects or pictures.
- singing also has a positive effect on the development of phonemic hearing, listening to a song, the child tries to delve into the sound of words, with interest catches the rhyming endings, enjoys their beauty
- singing is also useful for stimulating the connection between the two hemispheres, since the speech center is located in the left hemisphere, and the music perception center is in the right hemisphere, this feature is manifested in the activation of both hemispheres during singing.
- this is especially important for ambidextrous children, who suffer from the inconsistency of the work of the left and right hemispheres;
- when a person sings, there is an increased load on the respiratory organs, this helps to develop and train them.
If a child is shy and doesn't dare to sing out loud, you can suggest that he or she sing a song quietly, like a fish. Such singing will also develop hearing, articulation, and respiratory organs.
Gradually, the activity will captivate the baby, and he or she will sing out loud, with a voice, then don't forget to encourage and praise him or her. You can play a game: the child and the adult sing silently, like fish, taking turns. You have to guess when to start and sing to the child and from which word.
- rhythmic movements and dancing enhance the effect of singing; just remember that babies have been rocked to sleep under lullabies since ancient times, either in their mother's arms or in a cradle (even such cribs were invented - rocking cradles)
And now the baby has turned one year old. It is especially important now to teach the child to interact with the surrounding world, to recognize it, to communicate with loved ones and pets.
The child watches the cat with interest. Mom says - this is a cat, a little cat. It is appropriate to sing a simple children's song about a gray cat who is waiting for her kittens on the windowsill. You can stretch the last word a little longer, then make a small pause and say expressively: - Meow!
A bird sat on the window, the child is looking at it, or you can show a bird toy and sing a song about a bird. At the end of the song, there is also a pause. Then you can imitate the bird: - Chirp, chirp. There are many such simple children's songs, you can find them on the Internet by searching for “Songs for Toddlers” - specifying the specific age.
Many parents remember many such songs from their childhood, they heard and memorized them while growing up themselves.
Important: children's songs should be sung with a melody, stretching out words, activating the child to sing along.
And not only in the performance of the mother but also in the recordings of different singers, it is worth including children's songs to the baby, as well as beautiful adult songs. For example, why not find a beautiful song performed by Vladimir Troshin with lyrics by Viktor Dragunsky and music by Eduard Kolmanovsky - “My wife gave birth to a son for me” on the Internet. Even if the baby does not understand all the words, the beautiful melody and wonderful performance will surely evoke a response. But the words in this song are quite accessible to a baby.
As we know, every person has various talents, usually there are several. It is the task of parents to reveal the child's gifts and do everything to develop them. After all, the love of singing awakens in children early on.
Scientists have proven that even in the mother's womb, a baby responds to music and singing with bright positive emotions. During this period, singing and music contributes to the development of a child's musical hearing and helps to form nerve cells. Therefore, it is useful for pregnant women to sing or listen to favorite songs, instilling a love for beautiful music and songs in the baby from the first days.
For example, you can play musical recordings or songs performed by professional singers. It is also very interesting for a child to listen to the singing of family members, especially the mother's voice - for a child, the timbre of your voice is the most native and beautiful. But a child can also enjoy the singing of a grandmother, father, or grandfather, older sisters and brothers. Isn't this where the folk tradition of singing lullabies to a baby comes from?
As the child grows, they show more and more interest in music and singing, and if they are also gifted with musical abilities, they will definitely respond to beautiful music, moving rhythmically to the beat and singing along. It's time to start developing the child's musical abilities - hearing, rhythm, and the beauty of their voice.
Singing is also beneficial for the overall development of a child:
- singing helps to develop the child's articulatory apparatus - when a child sings, they try to sing beautifully and strive to pronounce the words of the song clearly
- songs, including children's songs, are rich in new words that are unfamiliar to the child, and this helps to develop their vocabulary, especially if an adult explains the meaning of the new word, shows the corresponding objects or pictures.
- singing also has a positive effect on the development of phonemic hearing - when a child listens to a song, they try to understand the sound of the words, eagerly catch the rhyming endings, and enjoy their beauty
- singing is also useful for stimulating the connection between the two hemispheres, since the speech center is located in the left hemisphere and the music perception center is located in the right hemisphere. This feature is manifested in the activation of both hemispheres when singing.
- this is especially important for ambidextrous children who suffer from the lack of coordination between the left and right hemispheres;
- when a person sings, the load on the respiratory organs increases, which helps to develop and train them.