Why do we not like our own voice and what to do about it?

Everyone is familiar with the situation that when you listen to a video or audio recording where your voice is heard, it seems disgusting and does not please your ears. In this article, we will analyze what causes this, as well as understand how to make your voice more attractive.

The first reason for this – your voice is not like everyone else's. Each person has his own timbre of voice and someone may like it, but someone may not. For example, you like the voice of some TV presenter, it seems perfect to you, and subconsciously you begin to compare your voice with the voice of this person or even parody it. But, naturally, you will find many differences and flaws, and your brain will only be able to positively perceive the voice that you want to imitate.

Second Factor – the voice does not satisfy your desires. People who want to sing but can't because of their rough voice begin to hate themselves for having such a hoarse or husky sound when they sing.

And finally the last – our brain draws us such an inner voice as we want to hear it. Have you ever noticed that when you read some text to yourself, the timbre, pauses, intonation and sound of your voice seem normal to you? In fact, it only happens in your head.

What should I do?

Unfortunately or fortunately, your real voice is the one you hear on audio or video recordings. You may not like it, but think for yourself - friends and family accept you for who you are, including your voice. So try to love your voice the way it is and you won't have to live with the anguish of listening to your voice messages and videos of you saying things.

Also,you can make your tone more attractive yourself. For this you will need a voice recorder, our vocal practice and some time. Do the following:

  1. record a normal speech as it is and think about what you would like to correct in your voice
  2. if the problem is in the pitch of the voice, then try changing it
  3. if the problem is in the clarity of speech - seek help from tongue twisters
  4. if your voice doesn't seem confident, try saying "on a support"
  5. sing periodically through our training app, this will help make your voice more manageable and stable
  6. record and listen to yourself again every time, and practice for a week every day and you will definitely notice improvements if you follow these recommendations.