About studio microphones

A studio microphone is designed for sound recording in a space isolated from external noise. It is usually used in vocal studios to produce live music and high-quality songs. Additional equipment built into such a device increases its functionality.

Features of studio microphones

Unlike amateur microphones, studio microphones are designed for professional vocal recording. They are used for voice-over in videos, films, and radio broadcasts. The full operation of the device is ensured by special equipment: a preamplifier, USB.

Studio microphones are able to increase the saturation, dynamics, and expressiveness of the voice. Wind protection is provided to eliminate extraneous noise. These devices are not used in concert conditions because their diaphragms are not adapted to high sound pressure. Careless handling can lead to irreversible damage.
Types of studio microphones:

  • Condenser;
  • Dynamic.

Condenser devices for sound recording consist of two plates, one of which is mobile. Thus, under the influence of sound waves, capacitance changes occur. Dynamic microphones contain a diaphragm with a moving coil. The registration of sound waves is carried out thanks to the electrodynamic force. Ribbon samples represent a certain type of dynamic device.

Types of microphones depending on the polar pattern:

  • Figure eight;
  • Omnidirectional;
  • Cardioid.

The "figure eight" symbol indicates the ability of the technique to perfectly capture sounds from the front and back of the capsule. The "omnidirectional" designation indicates the ability to capture sound waves from all sides. When the "cardioid" symbol is present (in the form of an upside-down heart), the microphone captures sounds entering the diaphragm. To obtain a quality result, it is important to correctly select the polar pattern.

How to choose a studio microphone?

Before purchasing the necessary sound recording device, it is important to determine its intended use. Equipment designed for instrumental music and vocals has some differences. Criteria for choosing a studio microphone:

  • Maximum sound pressure;
  • Preamplifier feature;
  • Frequency range;
  • Diaphragm type;
  • Model.

To obtain high-quality sound when recording percussion music, powerful dynamic devices are used. The use of microphones also plays an important role. Expensive equipment will not allow obtaining high-quality recording if there are significant noises in the room. In some cases, vocal microphones are used to record music.

Cardioid models equipped with a powerful diaphragm are used to convey expressive voice sound, while noise is absent during the operation. For recording growls and screams, dynamic devices are often purchased. A condenser microphone is suitable for moderate vocals, and transparency and sound purity are provided by preamplifiers.

The correctly chosen recording equipment can reflect the quality of voice and melody sound, and any deficiencies in the professional skills of the vocalist and musician are recorded. Sound waves are recorded in an unchanged state, and an external preamplifier gives the sound a special expressiveness. The choice of a studio microphone is made taking into account the operating conditions and the solution of the set tasks.