What to Do If You Get Nervous on Stage During a Performance

Stage fright or performance anxiety can strike anyone, regardless of experience or skill level. If you find yourself getting nervous on stage during a performance, it's essential to know how to manage the situation effectively. In this article, we'll discuss various strategies you can use to regain your composure and deliver a successful performance.

Take a Deep Breath

When you notice yourself becoming anxious on stage, the first thing you should do is take a deep breath. Deep breathing helps calm your nerves and slow down your racing heart. Focus on your breath and take a few slow, deep breaths in and out, feeling your diaphragm expand and contract. This can help you regain control over your body's natural stress response.

Focus on Your Performance, Not Your Anxiety

Try to shift your focus away from your anxiety and back to your performance. Remind yourself of your prepared material, the message you want to convey, or the emotion you want to express. Focusing on the task at hand can help take your mind off your nerves and keep you engaged in your performance.

Visualize Success

Visualization can be a powerful tool for overcoming performance anxiety. Picture yourself delivering a successful performance, receiving applause from the audience, and feeling satisfied with your efforts. Imagining a positive outcome can help calm your nerves and give you the confidence to move forward.

Use Positive Self-Talk

Combat negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Encourage yourself with phrases like, "I can do this," "I am prepared," or "I am talented." Remind yourself of past successful performances and the hard work you've put into preparing for this moment. Positive self-talk can help boost your self-confidence and reduce anxiety.

Reframe the Situation

Instead of viewing your nervousness as a sign of failure or inadequacy, try to reframe it as a natural and even beneficial response. Many performers find that a certain level of nervousness can enhance their performance, providing an adrenaline rush and heightened focus. Embrace your nerves as a sign that you care about your performance and are ready to give it your all.

Ground Yourself

If you're feeling overwhelmed, grounding techniques can help you regain your focus and composure. Feel your feet on the floor, the texture of your clothes, or the weight of your instrument in your hands. By connecting with the physical sensations of your body and your environment, you can bring your attention back to the present moment and away from your anxiety.


In conclusion, it's essential to have a toolkit of strategies to help you manage nerves and anxiety on stage during a performance. By taking deep breaths, focusing on your performance, visualizing success, using positive self-talk, reframing the situation, and grounding yourself, you can effectively manage your nerves and deliver a successful performance. Remember, experiencing some level of nervousness is normal, and with practice and experience, you'll become better equipped to handle the challenges that come with performing in front of an audience.