How to improve your speaking style

Communication style means a lot for a person. People with a beautiful and clean speech have many friends, it's easy for them to make new acquaintances, and they can simply navigate in everyday life, like finding a job, etc. If you have noticed that strangers are not particularly eager to communicate with you, despite the fact that you are smart enough, it may be due to either an untidy appearance or "sloppy" speech. Analyze yourself: maybe you use a lot of non-"literary" words? Or do you give the impression of a boring person? While the first problem with your speech can be easily solved, the second problem can be eliminated with several exercises listed below.

Read in your free time

Of course, we are not talking about jokes, but about high-quality literature, like Dostoevsky's works. It's best not to stick to just one genre, but to read works from different directions. But if you are a fan of a certain author, then read their works.

Find more words to describe objects

A large vocabulary will help make your speech more vivid and increase your resourcefulness. The more beautiful words a person can find to describe, for example, clouds, the better. But there's no need to go to extremes and choose vulgar or overly slangy adjectives to describe everyday things. Telling people that their hair looks picturesque, like straw in a haystack, is not the best idea unless, of course, you want to make new enemies.

Analyze if your speech sounds too monotone

Turn on YouTube and listen to a speaker on a topic that interests you or just a popular blogger who has a channel. Notice that their speech is likely not monotone, but consists of emotionally colored words, pauses, and variations in pitch in certain parts of their speech. Speaking in one breath makes the monologue flat and emotionless. It makes people want to fall asleep. But if a person talks about uninteresting everyday things using emotions and controlling the tempo, their speech seems full and attracts attention. That's why there are many bloggers who talk about nothing, but still attract a lot of followers thanks to their oratorical skills. Don't make your voice louder if you're naturally a quiet person. Pay attention not to the volume of your voice, but to the tempo of your speech.

Do these exercises every day, and you will notice that your interlocutors will listen to you with great interest.